The Cherokee Village Historical Society is dedicated to researching, collecting, preserving, interpreting, and sharing historical information or items related to Cherokee Village, Arkansas, and the surrounding area
Cherokee Village, AR
The Hardy History Association is a cohesive group of people who concentrate on collecting, preserving, and disseminating materials and information related to the City of Hardy.
The goals for the organization:
growing our membership,
having informational monthly meetings, and
providing a quality newsletter at least quarterly.
publishing a book or books to supplement the Hardy History Book published by the Timely Club of Hardy several years ago,
establishing a Hardy History museum, and
staffing a tourist information center in Hardy.
Membership is open to any individual, family/household, business, or organization with dues of $20 (entitled to one membership vote) for individuals, businesses, or organizations; and $30 (entitled to two membership votes) for a family or household.
The HHA meets at Hardy City Hall on the first Thursday of each month at 6:00 pm.
Hardy, AR